How to upload file in public folder in Laravel | Display and download file in Laravel
Hi friends, in this video you will learn how to upload file in public folder Laravel. Also, you can display and download file from public folder Laravel. Usually, there are two ways to upload a file in Laravel. 1. Uploading into the public folder of Laravel is very easy. 2. Upload files into Laravel Storage which is also very easy. Website: https://pbphpsolutions.com https://pbphpsolutions.com/how-to-display-pdf-file-in-laravel-from-public-folder.html https://pbphpsolutions.com/how-to-upload-project-on-github.html https://pbphpsolutions.com/export-data-from-mysql-to-excel-using-php.html PHP REST API Tutorial https://pbphpsolutions.com/php-rest-api-example.html Also read, CRUD Operation in Laravel 5.8 https://pbphpsolutions.com/crud-operation-in-laravel-5-8-step-by-step-for-beginners.html Razorpay Payment Gateway Integration in PHP https://pbphpsolutions.com/razorpay-payment-gateway-integration-in-php.html GROUP_CONCAT function in MySQL https://youtu.be/p2mvG-D4eMY CRUD operation in PHP: https://youtu.be/D6Fmlu7uM0w Insert multiple checkbox values in the database in PHP https://youtu.be/AFa4Lc9KxS0