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How to open PDF file on browser in Laravel 8

visibility 8K views calendar_month Jul 6, 2023

In this video, we will learn how to open PDF file on a browser in Laravel from the public folder. This is an essential web development feature and is often used in web applications. There are various ways to do this in Laravel but I have given the simplest way to return a pdf file and showing on the browser. The functions of showing files on the browser are slightly different in core PHP. Website: https://pbphpsolutions.com https://pbphpsolutions.com/how-to-display-pdf-file-in-laravel-from-public-folder.html https://pbphpsolutions.com/how-to-upload-project-on-github.html https://pbphpsolutions.com/export-data-from-mysql-to-excel-using-php.html PHP REST API Tutorial https://pbphpsolutions.com/php-rest-api-example.html Also read, CRUD Operation in Laravel 5.8 https://pbphpsolutions.com/crud-operation-in-laravel-5-8-step-by-step-for-beginners.html Razorpay Payment Gateway Integration in PHP https://pbphpsolutions.com/razorpay-payment-gateway-integration-in-php.html GROUP_CONCAT function in MySQL https://youtu.be/p2mvG-D4eMY CRUD operation in PHP: https://youtu.be/D6Fmlu7uM0w Insert multiple checkbox values in the database in PHP https://youtu.be/AFa4Lc9KxS0 Upload the image in PHP and display https://youtu.be/AtYu9NcsQxI Login and logout in to PHP using the session

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