PHP REST API to read, update and delete data from MySQL database
Hi friends, in this video, you will learn how to create a PHP REST API to read, update and delete data from MySQL database. REST API is just a representational state transfer that allows HTTP requests to communicate with the server and return the response in JSON format based on the type of request. Website: https://pbphpsolutions.com/ PHP REST API Tutorial https://pbphpsolutions.com/php-rest-api-example.html Also read, CRUD Operation in Laravel 5.8 https://pbphpsolutions.com/crud-operation-in-laravel-5-8-step-by-step-for-beginners.html Razorpay Payment Gateway Integration in PHP https://pbphpsolutions.com/razorpay-payment-gateway-integration-in-php.html GROUP_CONCAT function in MySQL https://youtu.be/p2mvG-D4eMY CRUD operation in PHP: https://youtu.be/D6Fmlu7uM0w Insert multiple checkbox values in the database in PHP https://youtu.be/AFa4Lc9KxS0 Upload image in PHP and display https://youtu.be/AtYu9NcsQxI Login and logout in PHP using the session https://youtu.be/BNjWLfEHGqY Dynamic Dependent Dropdown using Ajax in PHP https://youtu.be/u7Mplwe_-BY