Upload image in PHP and display
Learn how to upload image in PHP and store in the database and folder and display that image from the folder. CRUD operation in PHP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6Fmlu7uM0w Website: https://pbphpsolutions.com/ Also read, How to insert HTML form data into MySQL database using PHP https://pbphpsolutions.com/how-to-insert-html-form-data-into-mysql.html How to insert multiple checkbox values in database in PHP https://pbphpsolutions.com/how-to-insert-multiple-checkbox-value.html Introduction to PHP syntax Variables Data types and strings https://pbphpsolutions.com/php-syntax-and-variables-data-types.html Basic Overview of PHP and Its Uses https://pbphpsolutions.com/basic-overview-of-php-how-php-works.html Social Media Links: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PBPhpsolutions-109907204003392/ Medium: https://medium.com/@biplabsinha345 Twitter: https://twitter.com/pbphpsolutions #php #phptutorials #mysql #phpdevelopment #phpmysql