Razorpay payment gateway integration in PHP

Hi friends, in this tutorial, you will learn the procedure of Razorpay payment gateway integration in PHP. Razorpay is one of the most reliable gateways and it is very simple to integrate than other gateways it accepts almost all the payment options such as debit, credit, net banking, UPI, and other digital wallets. If you … Read more

PHP notification alert when a new record is inserted using AJAX

Hi friends, in this tutorial we will learn how to send a PHP notification alert when a new record is inserted using ajax and jquery. This is almost similar to Facebook-like notifications. As we all know notification is a very essential part of any type of web-based application or any dynamic website. To do so, … Read more

Laravel 8 Autocomplete Search from the Database Using Ajax and Jquery

In this tutorial, we will learn Laravel 8 autocomplete search from the database using ajax and Jquery. The autocomplete search is very helpful because we can search the data from the database just by typing the information we want instead of reloading the page. Also, it is a very important part of a good UI … Read more

Display MySQL data in a modal on button click using ajax jquery PHP

In this tutorial, we will learn how to display MySQL data in a bootstrap modal on button click using ajax jQuery PHP. It seems very unprofessional to redirect to another web page to view some information. To simplify this problem, we will use a bootstrap modal which looks very user-friendly. After clicking the button, Below … Read more

PHP MySQL ajax search autocomplete example

In this tutorial, we will go through a PHP MySQL ajax search autocomplete example or jquery ajax search example. Here I am using a table named ‘users’ as we have to fetch the data from the user’s table to perform the search operation. In order to do the search successfully, we need to know three … Read more