How to use page loader jQuery

How to use page loader jQuery

Hi friends, in this tutorial you will learn how to use the page loader jquery. This is very simple but often required while sending HTTP requests or any kind of request or submitting any form of data to let the user wait for the response till the response comes to the user. Also, read, Get … Read more

Text slideshow HTML with images using w3 CSS and javascript

Hi friends, in this tutorial you will learn how to create a Text slideshow HTML with images using w3 CSS and javascript. This is a very simple slideshow I have made using custom CSS and w3 CSS. You will find a lot of tutorials on image sliders but it is very rare to find sliders … Read more

Google like scrolling using jquery for multiple images

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Google like scrolling using jQuery for multiple images. Sometimes we need to scroll the gallery images horizontally one after another. We can do so with the help of HTML and CSS or by using various jQuery plugins available online. But here, I will discuss a g-scrolling … Read more

HTML Table with Fixed Header and Scrollable Body

Hi friends, In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an HTML table with fixed header and scrollable body using Datatables. The fixed header property helps us to view the header name at a fixed position against the table rows. Actually, there are so many tutorials on this topic such as using bootstrap by … Read more

How to get data from localstorage in javascript

Hi friends, In this tutorial, you will learn how to get data from localstorage in javascript. This is a very important feature and is required in web development. It stores the data in a storage variable with the help of javascript and that data will remain for the future session. Data stored in local storage … Read more

Upload multiple files in PHP with example

Hi friends, in this tutorial you will learn how to upload multiple files in PHP together and store them in a folder. Multiple file uploading is a very important part of web development and it is often required while signing up on the website or in the backend of an eCommerce website or any kind … Read more

PHP notification alert when a new record is inserted using AJAX

Hi friends, in this tutorial we will learn how to send a PHP notification alert when a new record is inserted using ajax and jquery. This is almost similar to Facebook-like notifications. As we all know notification is a very essential part of any type of web-based application or any dynamic website. To do so, … Read more

Laravel 8 Autocomplete Search from the Database Using Ajax and Jquery

In this tutorial, we will learn Laravel 8 autocomplete search from the database using ajax and Jquery. The autocomplete search is very helpful because we can search the data from the database just by typing the information we want instead of reloading the page. Also, it is a very important part of a good UI … Read more