Linking An Email in HTML

Linking an email in HTML is a very easy and important feature of HTML. It opens the email-sending interfaces directly by clicking the hyperlink provided in HTML so that the user can directly send emails without going to email-sending platforms such as Gmail, Yahoo, etc. Also read, Text slideshow HTML with images using w3 CSS … Read more

Text slideshow HTML with images using w3 CSS and javascript

Hi friends, in this tutorial you will learn how to create a Text slideshow HTML with images using w3 CSS and javascript. This is a very simple slideshow I have made using custom CSS and w3 CSS. You will find a lot of tutorials on image sliders but it is very rare to find sliders … Read more

HTML Table with Fixed Header and Scrollable Body

Hi friends, In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an HTML table with fixed header and scrollable body using Datatables. The fixed header property helps us to view the header name at a fixed position against the table rows. Actually, there are so many tutorials on this topic such as using bootstrap by … Read more

Get user location from Browser using javascript and Geolocation API

Hi friends, in this tutorial I will explain how to get user location from Browser using javaScript and HTML Geolocation API. This is a very essential part of any web application and is often required at the time of developing websites or any kind of web application because everyone wants to track the current location … Read more

Google places autocomplete example using maps JavaScript API

Hi friends, In this tutorial, we will learn how to use Google places autocomplete example using maps JavaScript API and places library. Nowadays it is very important for web developers to integrate the API from third-party services while developing websites and other ERP software and applications. Also, the requirement from clients is increasing day by … Read more